Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Devotional Day 10 for Wednesday 3/10

New Testament Reading: Luke 10
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 53:10-12

In Luke 10, Jesus asks us to pray. He asks us to pray as we go out into the world for the Lord to send out more laborers to the people He longs to know, love, and heal.  Jesus sends out the twelve in Luke 9 with power to cast out all demons and heal the sick.  Just one chapter later, Jesus is commissioning a group of 72 with similar power and instructions!  Jesus is wanting to commission you.  He wants you join him the place of prayer so that we can truly reflect power of the kingdom (see yesterday's entry).  He wants you to go out into the world.  He wants you to pray for others to follow your example.

Like Jeremiah, you may think, "Ah, God, I do no know how to speak; I am only a youth." (Jeremiah 1:6)  I do not yet even feel fully secure in your love.  "Yes, I know."  says your Friend.  But, "Behold, I am with you always." (Matthew 28:20)

It is not the depth of our understanding or strength of our emotions that we are counting on.  It is the presence of God with us.  The 72 come back; they had not been with Jesus very long before they were sent.  They return in joy, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!" (Luke 10:17)

Friends, you have his presence and his name - the name of Jesus.  May his name be on the tips of our lips and in the depths of our hearts.

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