Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Couple Notes

I am heading out to England on Saturday for our Newfrontiers world-wide leadership conference, but I wanted to share a couple thoughts before I go.

I am reading Shane Claiborne's book, "The Irresistible Revolution," which contains a challenging look at what it means to follow Jesus in our culture. It is especially impacting for me at this time because our church has been spending this week hosting an outdoor Vacation Bible School, concert, and ministry times in a local, urban housing development where many of the youth are coming from very broken backgrounds.

Along the same lines, my friend, Kelsey, has started a blog this summer. Her latest entry hits on the same themes as Shane does and is definetely worth reading (as well as the rest of her blog). Check it out: http://thefractallife.blogspot.com/2008/06/living-beyond-hype.html

I will be back on July 13. More to come then as we prepare for 300,000 college students coming back into the Boston area in September!

Jesus may we learn how to follow you each day. Clear the hype and speak to us through your Spirit of Truth.



DAVID W. said...

lol, i just realized my 300,000 college students was probably hype... haha

Kelsey said...

yeah probably haha. God is good though.
thanks for the plug!