Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday Schedule

The prayers continue into the night but I don't know for how much longer. A few of us are heading to bed here at church. Here is the schedule for the rest of the weekend.

6am - noon
7-11pm or possibly later especially if the Brazilian church comes to pray again!!!

8am-9:30am Pre-service prayer
10-noon Worship service

Friday, August 29, 2008

48 hour - Campout Details

See this previous post for how this is a part of 40 days of prayer and fasting culminating in a New England wide assembly.

We felt led to take 48 hours as 200,000+ students come into Boston to prepare the way for Jesus by seeking HIM through prayer, fasting and worship. We are trying to keep the church open the whole time (and we definitely will through Saturday 8am). We will update this blog as soon as we know the details for Saturday.

The scheduled events so far are:
Friday Multi-church prayer 7:30-9pm
Extended prayer & worship 9:30-11pm
Sunday Pre-service prayer 8-9:30am
Worship Service 10-noon

The rest of the time we will likely rotate between times of worship, prayer, prophecy, exhortation, personal devotions, and even rest. If you come, bring an instrument to help facilitate worship (if there is an opportunity) or even some bedding if you want to stay for an extended period and want to rest in some of the side rooms. You can text me on my cell phone if you have any questions. My whole family will be here for Friday night!

David W.

"There is a grace for prayer and fasting"

God has been speaking this to me all morning. This call is not about striving. If it seems burdensome, don't do it yet. I really believe God is releasing a supernatural grace and peace to pray and fast. The result is we will quickly be encountering the very real presence of God.

The Fire is Burning Once Again

Some of you will remember the last call and the results. Again, we ring the liberty bell calling Boston to awake. Let us gather this weekend to pray and fast. Surely, God will hear us.

Action Points
1) Begin to pray, fast and seek God.

2) Come to the 48 hour Campout - Abundant Grace Church 77 Guest Street Brighton, MA - Started Friday August 29 - Ending at noon Sunday August 31.

3) Join in the 40 days of prayer and fasting August 27 - October 5

God is speaking. Calling us to seek his manifest presence once again. We are launching a 48 hour campout as 200,000+ college students return to Boston. We are in the midst of another 40 days of prayer and fasting. Matthew 13:44 is our aim. That we would see the unveiling of Jesus Christ as the hidden treasure. And upon seeing him in his glory we would be radically changed.

Link for New England Solemn Assembly October 4

Thursday, August 21, 2008


I am preparing to share a message in NH this weekend. God has really been all over the preparation. Hopefully, I will be able to get a recording of the message. For now, here are some snippets.

“Prayer begins by going vertical”

“Prayer is the intersection of two realities”

“Prayer causes the breakout of heaven on earth”

“Prayer nullifies the affects of sin”

“Prayer results in repentant living”

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Call to America - Lou Engle & the Call DC

Today, hundreds of thousands of young people across the nation will be calling out to God and repenting for the sins of our nations. Tens of thousands will be gathering at the mall in Washington DC to attend the Call DC founded by Lou Engle. I have met Lou, and he carries a zeal for prayer and a love for our nation that in unmatched by any one I know. He is sounding a prophetic call, "Can I nation be changed?" Watch this video to hear the word's of prophetic father calling a nation to repentance and a people to prayer and join them online at iworship...

"God break the rebellion and raise up a revolution."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Luke 10 - podcast

To listen click here.

Luke 10 is Jesus' instructions to his disciples on how to minister to lost communities. This message was born out of God speaking to me as I struggled with the lack of effectiveness in my own evangelistic efforts back in June. You can read about it here: "Evangelism = no great results, why?"

The model I see Jesus laying out contains six steps:
1) Pray out of heart of compassion (Mat. 9:36-38)
2) Go to lost communities
3) Enter into the social life of those communities
4) Stay there developing relationships
5) Heal the sick you meet
6) Tell them the "kingdom of God is near"

If you read Jesus' teaching in Luke 10:1-10 with his similiar teaching in Matthew 10:5-8, you get a fuller picturer of what a true disciple on mission should look like. It is more than a person making friends and sharing his story (although that is a key part) but a person filled with the very power and presence of God - healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead.

Jesus restore our understanding of how to be missional within our culture, empower us to be witnesses to the ends of the earth!

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Missional Church - my first podcast

This message was recorded on a hand-held device at Fenway Church's first community night as we prepare to launch our first Sunday Service this fall at Church, a local bar/restaurant/club (
Several of our church planting team member are gone for the summer so I decided to create my first podacst.

Topics in the this message include:
- Brief discussion on renting Church
- Holiness is Missional
- The Essence of the Church is Missional
- The Evolution & Progression of Paul's Church Planting Strategy

Haha, sounds like a lot. Hope somebody can benefit from it; I did in preparing it!

"The Pursuit of God"

The Pursuit of God

Or, in .pdf

Over vacation, I read most of A.W. Tozer's book, "The Pursuit of God." I just finished reading it yesterday on the steps of Marsh Chapel at Boston University and found it deeply challenging and moving.

The book begins by talking about grace. When the Spirit of Jesus Christ enters the lives of those who believe by faith they are regenerated by the grace of God. This renegeration opens up a relationship with and ability to communicate with God that was not possible apart from the grace of God.

The rest of the book, Tozer urges the reader to pursue this amazing opportunity to know God. Tozer brilliantly teaches on truthes of who God is including his "universal presence" which means he is constantly speaking to us if we would but turn the "gaze of our souls" to Jesus. He poignantly points out many of our corrupt inner desires (pride, materialism, etc.) that keep us from experiencing the wonder of constant contact with the "God who is near." Tozer reminds us that an important part of Christianity is the individual experiencing and interacting with the presence of God. Like an Old Testament prophet, he laments the complecency and lethargy of the church (btw, the book was written 50-60 years ago)but more than that he laments their lack of understanding and desire to know and experience the God who created and saved them.

Tozer concludes by breaking down the distinction of sacred/secular work and actions. Everything we do unto God is sacred. May we start our days on our faces before him and continue with him throughout our day uttering "a thousand silent prayers."

You can read this book online now for free. I highly recommend it. May God stir in us a desire to know and pursue HIM.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Parables & Seeds

Got back from vacation tonight (a great time with the family at the beach). I am preaching tomorrow on Mark 4:20-34. Betsy, my wife, summarized it very well.

"1) If I gave you understanding (into sowing the seed of the kingdom,the parable immediately before it) and you do not use it, then it's like you have no understanding at all and you will perish. What is hidden is meant to be disclosed.

2) Yet the power lies not in you, but in the seed, lest you be confused about who/what is doing the work.

3) And don't be afraid that small seeds won't bear big fruit. They will. It's how it works. That's the confidence I leave with you."