Reading: Acts 6
Looking at the implications of the resurrection from my message on Easter Sunday. (3 of 4)
So what are the Implications of the Resurrection?
It changes everything! Here are possibly two of the most important implications.
1. As we have already looked at, Jesus was more than a man, he was God
a. This means his words are more than great teaching, they are the path to life.
b. As God, Jesus could not remain dead.
2. Jesus is a “life giving spirit.” (1 Cor. 15:45)
Jesus said himself, “It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh in no help at all. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” (John 6:63)
What is Jesus getting at? He’s saying, “Look, I came to give life. Death has had humanity hopeless and fearful, mourning and grieving for too long. But my kingdom is not of this world. My kingdom doesn’t use militaries and politics, success and money aren’t necessary here. My kingdom has the antidote to death – it’s methods are the opposite of the way this world thinks. The poor get lifted up. The humble receive salvation. The meek inherit the earth. The lowly find grace. The King shows up as a peasant boy. The Messiah gets nailed to the cross. And dead men rise again! Everything is changed. Death is defeated. I’m all about life. Life to the full. This is what I’m wanting to get across to you a relationship with God is possible because I’m alive!”
Paul would sum up Jesus’ words in his letter to Corinth, “The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Cor. 3:6)
In other words, if I just gave into every impulse of my flesh – it would lead to destruction in my marriage, my job, and my life… it would eventually lead to death – it would kill me.
And, if I tried the opposite of living for worldly pleasures and embraced aestheticism or strict moral living. If I embraced to trying to live by religious laws and rules I would die trying to achieve that. I’d live a completely frustrated filled life – either feeling like God owed me something or feeling guilty because I never measured up. Both paths lead straight to Hell.
BUT, the Spirit gives life. Jesus defined “life” in his teachings.
He said, “This is eternal life – true life, real life NOT the life this world offers with its fading pleasures and desires –eternal life is to know the only true God and Jesus Christ who He sent.”
(John 17:3)
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