Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Luke 10 - podcast

To listen click here.

Luke 10 is Jesus' instructions to his disciples on how to minister to lost communities. This message was born out of God speaking to me as I struggled with the lack of effectiveness in my own evangelistic efforts back in June. You can read about it here: "Evangelism = no great results, why?"

The model I see Jesus laying out contains six steps:
1) Pray out of heart of compassion (Mat. 9:36-38)
2) Go to lost communities
3) Enter into the social life of those communities
4) Stay there developing relationships
5) Heal the sick you meet
6) Tell them the "kingdom of God is near"

If you read Jesus' teaching in Luke 10:1-10 with his similiar teaching in Matthew 10:5-8, you get a fuller picturer of what a true disciple on mission should look like. It is more than a person making friends and sharing his story (although that is a key part) but a person filled with the very power and presence of God - healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead.

Jesus restore our understanding of how to be missional within our culture, empower us to be witnesses to the ends of the earth!


Kelsey said...

beautiful model that reminds me how i need to conform my mind to IT as a disciple of Jesus rather than construct my own model to fit my needs as a weak human.

DAVID W. said...
