Friday, August 8, 2008

"The Pursuit of God"

The Pursuit of God

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Over vacation, I read most of A.W. Tozer's book, "The Pursuit of God." I just finished reading it yesterday on the steps of Marsh Chapel at Boston University and found it deeply challenging and moving.

The book begins by talking about grace. When the Spirit of Jesus Christ enters the lives of those who believe by faith they are regenerated by the grace of God. This renegeration opens up a relationship with and ability to communicate with God that was not possible apart from the grace of God.

The rest of the book, Tozer urges the reader to pursue this amazing opportunity to know God. Tozer brilliantly teaches on truthes of who God is including his "universal presence" which means he is constantly speaking to us if we would but turn the "gaze of our souls" to Jesus. He poignantly points out many of our corrupt inner desires (pride, materialism, etc.) that keep us from experiencing the wonder of constant contact with the "God who is near." Tozer reminds us that an important part of Christianity is the individual experiencing and interacting with the presence of God. Like an Old Testament prophet, he laments the complecency and lethargy of the church (btw, the book was written 50-60 years ago)but more than that he laments their lack of understanding and desire to know and experience the God who created and saved them.

Tozer concludes by breaking down the distinction of sacred/secular work and actions. Everything we do unto God is sacred. May we start our days on our faces before him and continue with him throughout our day uttering "a thousand silent prayers."

You can read this book online now for free. I highly recommend it. May God stir in us a desire to know and pursue HIM.

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