Monday, March 1, 2010

Devotional Day 2 for Tuesday 3/2

New Testament Reading: Luke 2
Old Testament Reading:  Psalm 118:9-16

Luke 1 & 2 are filled with worship, prayer, and God breaking into people's lives.  Some people you'd expect to God to show up in their lives like a priest named Zechariah.  Interestingly, he seems the most surprised to find out that God can actually do the impossible - make his barren wife pregnant!  Others like an unassuming young woman named Mary and tired shepherds respond to God's sudden activity in their life with statements and acts of faith along with wonder and worship.

Psalm 118:14 says, "The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."  Do you know God can strengthen you?  As we looked at yesterday, He is your help; He can set you free.  I remember when God freed me from depression in college.  Before I became depressed, I used to love to worship and sing.  During the months I battled depression, I used to cry through many worship times.  I had completely lost my joy; but when God set me free, I sang more than ever before - walking down the street, when I got home from work or school, at church meetings, everywhere!  God became my song.

As we pray, let's remember the mighty things God has done for us.  You may say I can't think of any - then start with the small ones.  Don't be afraid raise your voice with shouts of joy!  It will revolutionize your prayer life.

"Shout of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: 'The Lord's right hand has done mighty things!'"  (Psalm 118:15)

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