Saturday, March 20, 2010

Devotional Day 20 for Saturday 3/20

New Testament Reading: Colossians 1:19-23
Additional Reading: Matthew 5:1-9

Not only is Jesus supreme in all things (see yesterday's entry) but the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him (vs. 19) and through him to reconcile to himself all things (vs. 20).  That means God himself came down to earth in the form of a man in order to restore creation back to its original good and restore relationship with humanity.  How did God bring about this reconciliation?

First, we must understand that we were alienated from God because our minds were filled with hostility towards God.  These hostile thoughts manifested in evil deeds (vs. 21).  We did not love God or love all his ways.  Instead, we chose to live by what we thought was right in hostility to what God said.  Until your realize that your thinking denied God or in some part rejected God's ways, you will not see a need to be reconciled.

Second, it is the through the work of the cross, the blood Jesus that God made peace with us (vs. 20).  Why did Jesus have to die?  Because God was going to eventually destroy all evil; and if we still remained in hostility to God enjoying this present evil age, we would have been subjected to God's wrath. Peace had to be made.  So, Jesus not only took our sin on himself, but he also bore the just wrath of God dying in our place.  What should have come upon us, came upon him.  We are no longer enemies of God.  Peace with God is possible if we choose to accept what he did on the cross.  It is the year of the Lord's favor (Isa. 61).

What are the results Jesus' reconciling work on the cross?

1)  He has reconciled you to himself.  A harmonious, transparent relationship with him is now possible (vs. 22).

2)  He has reconciled you into his body (vs. 22)  You are one with Christ.  You are also one with his body (the church) of which he is the head (Eph. 4:15).

3)  When this world ends, he will present all those who have faith in Him (vs. 23) holy and blameless and beyond reproach before God (vs. 22).

4)  Although not stated in verse 22, we also are called by Jesus to be ambassadors of this good news that Jesus has reconciled ALL things to himself.  We can fulfill Jesus' call be be peacemakers by proclaiming this news of reconciliation!  Then, we are truly fulfilling our role as adopted sons of God.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."  (Matthew 5:9)

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