Friday, January 18, 2008

Day 5 - Isaiah 61 Fast

I know God did a deep work in the hearts of those who gathered this morning. Jesse and Brian imparted the Father heart of God to us in a deep way (and I am pretty sure they did not even mean to do it). We were challenged by the call not to a season of prayer but to a lifestyle of prayer. Listening to them and reading through Luke and Acts, I come away with the undeniable reality that one of the main elements and most likely the chief occupation of God's people is prayer. Jesus certainly modeled this lifestyle of seeking the Father throughout the gospels especially in Luke.

Jesse Engle gave a very affirming word on the value of what we are doing on this prayer journey and on the joy God has for his children as they turn to him in prayer. Brian Kim shared on how in prayer and fasting we come before God in weakness that he might by his grace empower us with his Spirit. Both men imparted a sense of daily taking up our crosses in prayer and dying to self that Christ might be revealed and glorified in and through us.

Our meeting concluded with a deep in awakening in our hearts of the Father's love for us and his desire for his children to come to him and experience the good gifts he has for us. How often we miss the love and grace of the Father simply because we have busied ourselves in the world or in the "building of the kingdom" that we have missed the one most important thing - coming before the Father in prayer.

Finally, we continue to be gripped by the growing sense that God's eyes are indeed on Boston and that he is awakening something here that is a part of a great, global, and sovereign move of God.

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