Saturday, January 19, 2008

Day 6 - Isaiah 61 Fast

Today was marked by intense spiritual warfare for God to move in Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. We heard reports that 500 students had showed up at a debate on the existence of God on Friday night put on by Intervarsity and the Skeptics club (more news to come once we get the details). Some of us had prayed for it yesterday. Encouraged by this report, we spent a couple hours praying into what God was doing there for a revival to break out at RIT. We believe that as we sowed into other areas in prayer outside Boston that we would also reap in Boston. Despite this knowledge, I was surprised at how intensely God met us as we interceded for RIT. We all left convinced God is doing something major there. Lord, may the fires of your Spirit spread across campuses all across the United States and across the globe!

I am also vastly encouraged by reports of how our gatherings are already making a mark on the people who are praying. Here is one testimony from young woman at BU who has been participating in our prayer times:

It's been an interesting first week back in Boston. I wanted to update you on some really cool things going on in New England... mostly just that God has been stirring in our hearts a deep desire and passion for His love. Stoking the fire--if you will. We have been blazing; we are no longer satisfied with business as usual.

Spontaneously, my friend Jenny invited me to a prayer conference called The
Nazarite Uprising, hosted by International House of Prayer. It was going on in Connecticut drive there, but the three hours of prayer, worship, and exhortation was way worth the long drive. The conference focused on our response to the jealousy of the bridegroom for us, His bride. Such a response can only be that of extreme devotion and love. The message of the so it took us 2.5 hours toNazarite vow in the Old Testament was to forego the legitimate pleasures of the world, even that which is good, for the better and most wonderful pleasure of knowing God. It's not for the sake of being radical, religious, or legalistic, but just to know Jesus as he want us to know him.

The presence of God was so thick in the room that, upon entering, I felt this immediate joy well up and I started to dance.
It was almost as if I couldn't contain my praises any longer. It was not
physically possible.

Many people that night assigned themselves to a more radical calling: to usher in the Kingdom of God with prayer and fasting, and to mark themselves with love as those set apart for the Lord.

Additionally, God has called Fenway church and many other Christians in the Boston area to 40 days of fasting and prayer from 6-8am with the express purpose to "loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke" (Isaiah 58:6). As you know, it's hard to be a student and get up at 5:30am to pray before classes, and I personally have not had much sleep all week, but it has been so worth it.. Each day it gets easier to desire to spend that time with Jesus, and therefore, to actually get out of bed into the freezing cold--just to worship and seek His face and will for the city's destiny and our own. I am not boasting in myself, but in God's supernatural strength as we take steps of faith in response to His promises. We're not stopping until we hit Revival, and we believe God's already planned on it.

This testimony communicates the heart that is beginning to develop in us at these prayer times. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus, come!

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