Monday, January 21, 2008

Days 7 & 8 - Isaiah 61 Fast

Ran out of time to post yesterday; of course, God never runs out of time. Must be cool to be God...

Day 7

Well, Sunday morning services are so much better if you've spent 2 hours praying before hand. It was amazing to see how easy it was to enter into corporate worship when we had already been seeking God before hand. As we prayed for the church in the US and their Sunday morning services, I was struck by the realization that although we were rising early to "welcome in Sunday" all day long starting in a remote island in the Pacific Ocean a global anthem of praise had been rising up to Jesus growing as it rose in the East and spread across of the rest of the globe throughout the day. We are indeed a part of something much bigger than ourselves.

Day 8

I am so proud of our students who continue to rise early in the morning to pray. Later today, we will be praying from 2-7:30pm. This morning's theme seemed to be God renewing a sense of hunger and thirst in us. Jesus said, "Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled." We repented of hungering after the things of the world instead of a relationship with Jesus. We turned to God in worship and prayer. We rested in the love God has for us and the assurance of his victory over Satan.

To conclude, I hope you are encouraged by this story of another young woman who God used last week.

Because of being inspired to pray every morning since Fenway started the 6-8am prayer, I was praying this morning. I heard this story on the news about a young man that was killed last night in Boston. I was moved to pray for him and his family. I went to work and started my day as usual. At lunch time, I prayed that God would make me a witness to the next patients that I was going to see in the afternoon. So, I went about my business and began to evaluate a patient. As I was evaluating her, she began to cry saying, "My grandson was killed last night." It was the same young man that was on the news. I sat with her and just let her cry and hugged her.

I wanted to share this with you because God moved me to pray for this family and little did I know that I would be interacting with them that same day. God gave me an opportunity to share his comfort with this woman in a real way. I'm so thankful that God spoke to me, answered my prayers, and had me meet face to face the unknown people I was praying for.

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